


Variables are named slots for storing values. You define a new variable in Jingle using a var statement, like so:

var a = 1 + 2

This declares a new variable a in the current scope and initializes it with the result of the expression following the =. Once a variable has been defined, it can be accessed by name as you would expect.

var animal = "Dog"
echo animal # "Dog"


Jingle has block scope: a variable only exists from where it is define to the end of the block.

    echo a # Error: 'a' hasn't been declared yet
    var a = 50 # Declares variable 'a' and assigns value '50'
    echo a # Prints 50
echo a # Error: 'a' doesn't exist anymore because it is out of the block

Variables defined at the top level of a script are top-level and are visible to the module system. All other variables are local. Declaring a variable in an inner scope with the same name as an outer one is called shadowing and is not an error (although it’s not something you likely intend to do much).

var a = "outer"
: # block opener for example
    var a = "inner"
    echo a # Prints "inner"
echo a # Prints "outer"

However, declaring multiple variables of the same name in the same scope is an error.


After a variable has been declared, the value can be reassigned using =:

var a = 5
a = 6

It’s an error to assign to a variable that isn’t defined. This can only be done with variables and binds.

Variable Types


Variables are dynamically-typed, inferred and mutable. This means you do not have to give it a type, and it can change along with the value of the variable. They are declared with the var keyword.

# Valid Statements:
var a = 1243
a = 3421

var b = "b"
b = "c"

var c = 2.4
c = 9.9

var d = True
d = False

var e = 50
e = 49.9

var f = "6"
f = 6

var g = True
g = 9 


Constants are statically-typed, inferred and immutable. This means you do not have to give it a type, but it cannot change. The value of the variable cannot change. They are declared with the const keyword.

# Valid Statements:
const GRAVITY = 9.807
const PI = 3.14
const VERSION = 0.1.0

# Invalid Statements:
const MOON = "Moon"
moon = "Sun"

Typed Variables

Typed Variables are statically-typed, inferred and mutable. This means you do not have to give it a type, but it cannot change. The value of the variable cannot change. They are declared with the let keyword.

# Valid Statements:
let pizza = 2.99
pizza = 4.99

let fruit = "Apple"
word = "Orange"

# Invalid Statements:
let chicken = "Leg"
chicken = 10

let vegetable = "Cucumber"
vegetable = False

Type Declarations

Types can be deliberately declared using type declarations. They are done like this:

var age::int = 20
age = 2.5 # Error, declared as int not float

You can declare the type of a variable multiple times:

var height::int = 160
height = 180

height::float = 167.5
height = 192.75

height::string = "200"
height = "50" 

These can be used for variables if you plan on changing the type of a variable rarely, but still multiple times. If you don't plan on changing the type than just use a typed variable. You can use bool,int,float/flt,string/str,any in type declarations.

Last updated

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